Project: Epson B2B Visual Identity System
My role: Associate Creative Director
Epson is one of the most innovative companies in the world, producing technologies that power everything from printers and projectors to microchips and robots. Their B2B business generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. However, their B2B branding was inconsistent across executions and lacked a cohesive voice, look, and feel. 
Epson asked our team to develop a new B2B visual identity system (VIS) to refine and elevate their brand, while still leaving room for creative exploration and development. We created a detailed B2B Style Guide and helped Epson roll out their new branding system across campaigns, landing pages, product brochures, and more. 
Throughout the project, we grounded ourselves in the Sho-Sho-Sei design philosophy that Epson uses to innovate technologies: efficient, compact, and precise design. We leaned into some of Epson's strongest branding features - their colors and typography - while introducing new elements like precise circles, simplified layouts, cinematic photography, and a voice that was knowledgeable yet approachable. 
Working closely with Epson's various teams, we helped them implement the VIS and bring it to life across projects and executions. The new Epson B2B brand had arrived.

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